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We are proud to announce that our company Elplast+ is among the elite group of “Forbes Diamonds 2024” for the fifth consecutive year.

“Forbes Diamonds” is an annual ranking of companies that have most successfully increased their value over the past three years.

We are pleased to have been able to take our place in the “Forbes Diamonds” 2024 ranking, the results of which were developed on the basis of the Swiss method of assessing the value of a company. Among the key criteria were financial results for 2018-2022, the value of assets, payment history, payment reliability and lack of negative legal events.

The “Forbes Diamond 2024” title confirms that we are among the best companies in Poland, for which we are extremely grateful.

As the Board of Directors of Elplast+, we thank you for your trust in us and the success we have achieved in recent years.

Yours sincerely